Archive for May, 2009

In Honor of Mary Cassatt

May 22, 2009

Mary Cassatt was born May 22, 1844.  Today google saw fit to honor the 165 th year of her birth.  She died at age 82, in June of 1926.  She is well known as an American painter, especially favoring mothers with small children.  Google’s logo for today is appropriate:

Googles log for May 22, 2009

Google's logo for May 22, 2009

There is something peaceful and nice about the art of Mary Cassatt, that belies the rambunctiousness that this old dog knows goes with little kids, and pups as well.  I’m not sure if she favored dogs, but I have found three of her painting which have dogs in them.  For example, here is a painting from the year 1900, called “Woman in a Raspberry Costume Holding a Dog”:

Woman in a Raspberry Costume Holding a Dog -- Mary Cassatt -- 1900

Woman in a Raspberry Costume Holding a Dog -- Mary Cassatt -- 1900

You can click on the image to see it a little better, hopefully.

Here is another painting, this one of Elsie Cassatt, perhaps a niece or other relative, which dates to 1880.

Elsie Cassatt holding a Big Dog -- Mary Cassatt -- 1880

Elsie Cassatt holding a Big Dog -- Mary Cassatt -- 1880

You should be able to see it better if you click on the image.

Mary Cassatt studied and worked in France, Spain, and the United States and was for a time aligned with the school of Impressionists working expecially with Edgar Degas.  She excelled with pastels.  Today, she is a prime example from the “American Impressionists”.

Here is the only other Mary Cassatt work that I could find that featured a dog.  It is called “Sara with Her Dog” and dates to 1901.


Sara with her Dog -- Mary Cassatt -- 1901

Sara with her Dog -- Mary Cassatt -- 1901

Click on the image for a better view (but 500K).  For those interested a pretty good article about Mary Cassatt is here.  Also, many 362 artworks of Mary Cassatt can be viewed at this site.

That’s it for today.  Check out Mary Cassatt!

Rita the dog